Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Wedding Car and a Funeral

Coming back from church on a sunny Sunday recently I saw three ribboned wedding cars drive up the main drag of Sydney’s most Italian suburb, bouquets dangling out the windows and a blaze of horn tooting being reciprocated by all the passing cars. I felt instantly happy and remembered my own wedding day sitting in a beautiful vintage car, the same shiny coffee colour as my wedding dress, and Dad asking the driver to take a longer route to the church down via our home beach so we could look at the waves before the ceremony. And then I cried remembering my Dad give the same instruction to the driver of the funeral car carrying my brother’s coffin on the day of his funeral. Oh ‘J’, we miss you! It is amazing how many every day moments blindside you back to your grief. A constant reminder that he is gone, and we're still here.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah... we're never given any warning about those moments are we? xx
